Former Professor and Hd. of the Dept. of Ancient Indian History and Culture, University of Calcutta
Honorary Fellow, Ancient Sciences and Archaeological Society of India
Nelson Wright Medalist of the Numismatic Society of India
Recepient of the Highest Award “JNANANIDHI” of the Government Sponsored Academy of Sanskrit. Research, Melkote, Karnataka
Principal Advisor, North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Former Professor and Hd. of the Dept. of Ancient Indian History and Culture, University of Calcutta
Honorary Fellow, Ancient Sciences and Archaeological Society of India
Nelson Wright Medalist of the Numismatic Society of India
Recepient of the Highest Award “JNANANIDHI” of the Government Sponsored Academy of Sanskrit. Research, Melkote, Karnataka
Principal Advisor, North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Tennessee, U.S.A.
PROFESSOR SAMARESH BANDYOPADHYAY<br/>Former Professor and Hd. of the Dept. of Ancient Indian History and Culture, University of Calcutta<br/>Honorary Fellow, Ancient Sciences and Archaeological Society of India<br/>Nelson Wright Medalist of the Numismatic Society of India<br/>Recepient of the Highest Award “JNANANIDHI” of the Government Sponsored Academy of Sanskrit. Research, Melkote, Karnataka<br/>Principal Advisor, North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Sriman Ramendra Pandey,
President, Vastu Sadan, New Delhi.
Respected Sriman Pandey,

Trust this finds you in the best of health and spirit. Many thanks for generously sending a copy of the First Issue of the journal  entitled STHAPATYAM. A journal entirely devoted to Architecture was long awaited and I extend to you my hearty congratulations for your daring attempt to start such a journal. It is indeed a most welcome and worthwhile undertaking. Articles incorporated in the issue are mostly on Indian architecture and they are not only of absorbing interest but also thought-provoking. Illustrations deserve high encomiums. Assuring all co-operation for the furtherance of its all round developments and extending very best wishes ——–Vriddhirastu, Siddhirastu.