Former Faculty
Dept. of Architecture and Planning
Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

Home / Testimonials / PROFESSOR H.D. CHHAYA
Former Faculty
Dept. of Architecture and Planning
Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
PROFESSOR H.D. CHHAYA<br/>Former Faculty<br/>Dept. of Architecture and Planning<br/>Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur<br/>School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

My dear Sri Ramendra Pandeyji

Thank you for sending me the inaugural issue of ‘STHAPATYAM’. It includes a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary fields of art, architecture, archeology, history, cosmology, astrology, vastu sthapatya, science, technology; visualized as integral to human life, living in the genetic environmental memory!! The focus is ‘Sukham’ and ‘Suvidha’ of the society.

The quality of research and inquisitive depth and spread are unique to you, as I know you. I congratulate your editorial team for, though with such varied spectrum of topics and authors’ backgrounds, the overall reading though the issue runs smooth. The page setting is clever to accommodate so much material without a feel of dense cluttering! Above all the price is rather economic for such high quality production. I wish the journal sustains these all the time; Second to none. God speed to ‘STHAPATYAM’.

Thanking you, with kindest Regards