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डॉ. विवेकी राय<br/>पूर्व रीडर, हिन्दी विभाग<br/>स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय, गाजीपुर

डॉ. विवेकी राय
पूर्व रीडर, हिन्दी विभाग
स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय, गाजीपुर

प्रिय पाण्डेय जी,

प्रिय ज्ञानेन्द्र नारायण राय जी द्वारा ‘स्थापत्यम्’ के दो अंक मिले हैं। अद्भुत दमदार पत्रिका है, भीड़ में अकेली अपने भव्य और प्रभावशाली स्वरूप में यह सांस्कृतिक भारत का दर्शन करा देती है। स्थापत्य और पुरातत्त्वादि जैसे गम्भीर अव्यावसायिक विषयों की प्रस्तुति के लिए समर्पित यह पत्रिका का आकर्षण है कि अति स्वास्थ्य बाधाओं के बावजूद काफी कुछ पढ़ जाता हूँ। आकर्षक छपाई, भव्य चित्रों की सज्जा, आर्ट पेपर, द्विभाषी आकर्षण और श्रमनिष्ठा से पूर्ण उत्खनन जैसी वृत्ति, कुल मिलाकर पत्रिका सचमुच ही भीड़ में अकेली है, सम्भवतः अद्वितीय। मई 2014 में शिलालेखों की प्रस्तुति बहुत सार्थक रूप में हुई थी। जून 2014 में ‘मिथिला के भित्ति चित्र’ शीर्षक एक लेख है। इसमें अंक मिला तभी से उलझा हूँ। विद्यापति की साधना भूमि तो वास्तव में कला-भूमि है। अन्तस की राजात्मक छवियों को वहाँ रंगों में उभारा गया है।

आपकी ऐसी, स्थापत्य की ही नये सिरे से स्थापित करने की तैयारी वाली, मूल्यवान पत्रिका के कुशल संपादन के लिए हार्दिक बधाइयाँ और साथ ही पत्रिका के उत्तरोत्तर उत्कर्ष के लिए शुभकामनायें।

PROF. V.K. DUBEY<br/>Former Head, Dept. of Extension<br/>Institute of Agriculture Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi<br/>Editor, Journal of Communication Studies, National Council of Development Communication, Varanasi<br/><br/>SMT. PRAMILA DUBEY<br/>Chairperson<br/>Kashika Handicraft Co-operative Society Ltd., Varanasi

Former Head, Dept. of Extension
Institute of Agriculture Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Editor, Journal of Communication Studies, National Council of Development Communication, Varanasi

Kashika Handicraft Co-operative Society Ltd., Varanasi

Dear Prof. Pandey,

I congratulate you from my bottom of heart for bringing out a highly impressive and very educative quality publication — Sthapatyam. Every page and word of publication is full of aesthetics and imaginative ideas. I am yet to see such a creative illustrated publication being brought out in this country. In fact the publication has set a road map for younger generation to follow and derive aspiration for academic excellence. When we became slave, what we lost most was our spiritual and cultural heritage; this is how our self-esteem for native culture and whatever we had our own disappeared. Lord Macaulay in his speech of (Feb. 2, 1835) British Parliament, this is what emphasized. What a sad situation, even today, nobody dares to make effort to overturn that concept of subjugation. Somehow, your publication consoles me, that there is no reason to feel disheartened.

I don’t know why this wonderful publication has generated a feeling of fulfillment while going through it. There is educational and emotional appeal for lay man like me. I am sure that many Bharatiya will relate with this publication irrespective of their area of specialization.

My wife, a sociologist, shares my views. She is of the opinion that this publication should reach many more Bharatiya through library system . The millions of Bharatiya who are non residents, will derive Satisfaction while going through it. They may also feel a need to examine our Ancient Heritage a fresh. It is not a matter of Ethnocentrism, rather a demand to all who claim to posses scientific outlook.

Therefore, we both congratulate and wish this publication a grand success.

AR. SARMISTHA CHATTERJEE<br/>Conservation Architect, INTACH, Delhi

Conservation Architect, INTACH, Delhi

Dear Mr. Pandey

I would like to congratulate you for the great success of your publication “STHAPATYAM”. The articles that have been published; show your keen interest in delivering the best to the readers. All the articles; in every publication of ‘STHAPATYAM’ have always been knowledgeable. The different categories of information ranging from historical to architectural data have been an interesting read.

It would be my pleasure to be able to contribute through an article for your magazine as I feel “STHAPATYAM” is the right platform where my experiences of working from historic tombs and mosques to large scale lutyens designed buildings to a historic residential area like Kalighat can be delivered in its best form.

PROFESSOR SACHCHIDANAND SAHAI<br/>Ph.D. (Paris), Padmashree Awardee<br/>National Professor in Epigraphy<br/>Archaeological Survey of India<br/>Ministry of Culture,  Government of India, New Delhi

Ph.D. (Paris), Padmashree Awardee
National Professor in Epigraphy
Archaeological Survey of India
Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi

I have the pleasure of receiving a copy of the inaugural issue of Sthapatyam. Journal of the Indian Science of Architecture and Allied Sciences (Issue : 1, Vol : 1 May 2014).

Shri Ramendra Pandey, the founder editor of the Journal, his dedicated team of editorial board and the distinguished art historian Dr. Deenbandu Pandey have brought out a journal which heralds a new era in the study of Indian architecture. Their concerted effort is particularly praise-worthy for finally placing architectural aspects of Indian civilization in a holistic perspective.

The inaugural issue clearly emphasizes the fact that Indian world view of architecture emphasizes as much the form as spirit. In his editorial, Ramendra Pandey has rightly pin pointed that the divinity of this planet has been clearly propounded by the Vedic seers, leading to the sublime stage where material earth becomes spiritual mother. In brief, the Vastusastra which offers a global, cosmic perception of built-in-space has been presented in a wider perspective. How place acquires specific, symbolic meaning and value rightly becomes the main thrust of the inaugural issue. The paper entitled Tirumala-Tirupati by Ramendra Pandey decodes the architectural symbolism of this most revered pilgrim Centre of India.

In the next paper of this inaugural issue, Professor Deenbandu Pandey has offered a rare example of an in-depth study of the seventh line of inscription of Samundragupta inscribed on an Asokan Pillar which is now planted at Allahabad. His efforts clearly demonstrate the necessity to carry out micro-studies to set in perspective the study of ancient Indian past. In his study of Patliputra, Ramendra Pandey analyzes historical and geographical changes over 2600 years as per rules of the Vastusastra, revealing new facts and opening up new horizons of understanding. Mughal architecture in Modern Punjab by Dr. Gurucharan Singh and Mr. Gurmej Singh is another landmark contribution, emphasizing this phase of Indian architecture as ‘‘a veritable chronicle in stone.’’ Fort, Sarai, mosques complete the panorama of Mughal Architecture. Manoj S. Nair makes a strong meaningful plea for cultivating a nature friendly habitat culture through Vastu.

Through the study of Mandalas—diagrams, designs and color schemes, yet another joint paper by Dr. Prabhakar Apte and Dr. Bharati Mate explores the potentials of Indian architecture in the broader framework of Vastusastra. The famous cultural geographer Professor R.P.B.Singh establishes interfaces between Hindu cosmology and Leonardo da Vinci, highlighting proportions derived from human body both in ancient Roman and Hindu traditions.

Renu Pandey, Jnanendra Narain Rai, Lalata Prasad Pandey have enhanced the value of Sthapatyam through their contributions in Hindi, upholding the national ethos required for the study of Indian traditional science of Vastusastra. As a bilingual journal giving equal importance to writings in English and Hindi. I am confident, this new endeavor will bring about a revolutionary change in our attitude towards traditional sciences of India, particularly architecture (sthapatya) in the wider context of built-in space (Vastusastra).

Professor Dr. Ram Nath

Professor Dr. Ram Nath

Retd. Professor and Head

Dept. of History and Indian Culture, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan